Guardian of horizons and passages, linking day and night as a protector of transitions.

Hidden force of creation and renewal, embodying unseen power and the mysteries of existence.

Symbol of mystery and air, representing hidden forces and the protective aspects of creation.

Valiant warrior of battle and victory, representing strength, courage, and the protection of heroes.

Protector of the deceased and guide in the afterlife, symbolizing protection and mourning.

Guide of souls and guardian of the dead, embodying protection and the mysteries of the afterlife.

Guardian of the Nile's bounty and riverbanks, symbolizing fertility and abundance.

Primordial creator and embodiment of completion, symbolizing the origins and end of all existence.

Protector of the home and symbol of fertility, embodying grace and the spirit of cats.

Guardian of the home and symbol of motherhood, representing nurturing and protective forces.

Foundation of life and guardian of the earth, embodying stability and the power of nature.

Embodiment of joy and motherhood, nurturing love, fertility, music, dance, and the creative arts.

Symbol of infinity and eternity, representing the boundless horizon and timeless cycles.

Personification of boundless time, representing eternity and the infinite horizon.

Symbol of fertility and childbirth, overseeing safe births and the emergence of new life.

Protector of order and symbol of kingship, embodying divine power and triumph over chaos.

Guardian of the western horizons and afterlife, representing the soul's transition.

Master of magic and motherhood, a protector of life and bringer of healing and wisdom.

Symbol of darkness and the western horizon, representing twilight and the transition of day.

Bringer of darkness and potential, symbolizing chaos and the promise of renewal.