Master of craftsmanship and creation, shaping the world through will and divine intellect.

Bringer of light and life, journeying across the sky as the eternal force of creation.

Guardian of harvest and sustenance, embodying fertile abundance and destiny.

Harbinger of the Nile's nourishing flood, representing fertility and vigilant renewal.

Fierce embodiment of war and healing, channeling scorching power and transformative retribution.

Force of chaos and storms, embodying strength, disruption, and the balance of opposition.

Bearer of air and light, separating sky from earth and sustaining the breath of life.

Guardian of waters and strength, embodying power, protection, and the life-giving Nile.

Keeper of hidden realms and mysteries, symbolizing resilience and wild spirit.

Source of moisture and rain, nurturing life and maintaining balance in the natural world.

Keeper of knowledge and divine scribe, guiding wisdom, writing, and the balance of truth.